Hsil mary mother of god lady in blue i love you
Hsil mary mother of god lady in blue i love you

Of all creatures Mary has the unique privilege of adoring her own Child. What, then, must be said of our duty of honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose dignity as far transcends that of any other creature as heaven excels earth?. Thus it is as clear as day that, besides the supreme honor that we give God, and which we term adoration, there is an inferior honor that we not only may but must show to all creatures who are clothed with special dignity. Our non-Catholic friends, following reason and accepting the teaching of the Bible, cannot but admit this principle or truth. God himself has, in fact, positively commanded, in his revelation to man, this honor that the natural law prescribes. Children must honor their parents servants must revere their masters soldiers must respect their officers subjects must show loyalty to their rulers. There is an innate law engraven on the human heart that dictates that special honor should be shown to creatures who are clothed with a special dignity. If God alone is to be adored, if Christ alone is to be worshiped as our Mediator of Redemption, may any honor be shown to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and, if so, what kind of honor? He alone, by his supreme sacrifice, of infinite value, redeemed and ransomed mankind. (2) Jesus Christ alone is our Mediator of Redemption. It is simply absurd and also grossly unfair to say that Catholics adore Mary.

hsil mary mother of god lady in blue i love you hsil mary mother of god lady in blue i love you

To adore any creature, however exalted, would be to commit idolatry. Before explaining to you, my dear friend, Catholic doctrine and practice regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary, let me state two truths that the Church teaches most emphatically: (1) God alone, the Supreme, Infinite Being, must be adored.

Hsil mary mother of god lady in blue i love you